19 March 2007

What? I always sit on the alarm clock.

Hi ho. Just for the record, she never sits on the alarm clock. Until this shot, of course, and now it's the latest greatest place to sit. I burst out laughing when I saw her here, completely nonchalant and settled in - situation completely normal. Completely. I get an inordinate amount of fun out of my cat.
So, anyway... the weekend was pretty good. The latest snow storm hit us pretty hard - we got about 18 inches of snow, which translated into a lovely Saturday morning workout that lasted four and a half hours. Because the space between houses in my neighborhood is pretty lean, we have to carry the snow shovel by shovel into the back yard - after we shovel the back yard itself to make room for cars. Suffice to say my arms are pretty sore. Saturday night, we went to see Tracy Bonham, Shannon McNally, & The John Ginty Band at the Bearsville Theater in Woodstock. It was an outstanding show - they all did a fantastic job. I very much enjoyed myself, though there were brief fits of jealousy over the perfection of Shannon McNally's arms. She's very pretty, and very personable-seeming. As is Tracy Bonham. It was Ms. McNally's birthday, and it had been Tracy Bonham's the day before, so they both got wished happy birthday, and Shannon McNally got flowers. Also, Ms. Bonham's mom, dad, and grandma were at the show. Very cool! John Ginty's keyboard playing totally rocked, and his band's percussion section (three guys) was outstanding too. The Bearsville Theater is a terrific venue - open and warm and pretty intimate. I really enjoyed the show (clearly, what with all the superlatives). Sunday - back to homework and studying and cleaning the house. I also made a fabulous pizza - thin crust, topped with tomato confit, caramelized onions, goat cheese, and black olives. Yum. With a side of steamed asparagus, it was delish.
Bird news: I saw a flock of cedar waxwings out behind the lab this morning! It's always a treat to see these guys. They're such lovely birds. I spotted my first brown-headed cowbird of the season as well, and had a song sparrow at the feeder here at work for the first time. I know they're common, but I don't see them at my feeder. Birdsong is in full force around here, which warms the cockles of my cold, dark heart.
Let's see.... what else? Back to school this week, after a wonderful spring break. I got pretty attached to heading straight home after work. Ah, well. Everything good must end. We're going to have a new instructor for lecture now; she'd been out the first half of the semester for some reason. I've not heard good things about her, so I'm a little nervous. It seems a bit.... hmm... unfair? to change instructors on us midstream. I'll deal. As my ex used to say, no one ever said life was fair, except Tony (his best friend).
I'm feeling pretty ok right now. It helped to have a decent weekend, and I did a great abs workout this morning - exercise always, always helps. I am so looking forward to being able to go full bore again once my knee is finished healing! My right quadricep is woefully atrophied, so it will take some time... but I can foresee hiking this season, unlike last year. Yay! I probably won't be back to my full potential until a year from now, but I intend to get there nonetheless.
Well, that's enough out of me. Ah, the boring details of my life. I wish I could say I write an interesting blog; maybe some day. It's still good to have an outlet to write, though I've done precious little of it.
Until later, ta.


Anonymous said...

She's probably sitting on the clock because it's slightly warm, and slightly higher up than the table! I love cats.

LittlePea said...

What a cute picture! I love live music....

Kristi said...

Those pictures are too cute! And I'm glad you're getting back to exercising. That must be so great for both your mental and physical wellbeing.

LiVEwiRe said...

Now, just looking at that kind of forces you to have a better day, doesn't it? Most likely it pleases her because she can look down on her domain from there. Sounds like you've taken strides toward improving things. You've taken in a show, made a tasty meal, and are getting back to exercising. That is alot of progress in such a short time. I think you have so much potential waiting to be let loose that it may even surprise you in the end!

lu said...

Getting out and seeing people create is always a relief. I have to admit I get a bit-o-envy that they have the gumption to do it, but I'm trying to look at it more like inspiration.

It's odd to shovel snow over spring break.

It's good to read you smiling.


Anonymous said...

Hee! Too cute! My cats like to snuggle my MacBook, also b/c of the allure of electronic warmth. Although, I'm sure it's safe to presume the PC also exudes electronic warmth, so perhaps the cats have been suckered in by Mac's "Macs are cool and hip and PCs are old and nerdy" TV ads.

Glad you're starting to feel better!