29 March 2007

First crocus I've seen this year - isn't it lovely?
I'm not having a good day. I don't want to get into details. There are some mornings when I wish I could wake up far, far away from here, maybe in a completely different body. Maybe I'd wake up a birch tree or a luna moth. That would be perfectly fine by me. As far as I know, trees and moths don't have to do a lot of thinking, which would be nice.
I'm physically, emotionally, and intellectually very tired. Not spent, not finished, but weary. I miss my family. I miss my friends. I miss being treated kindly and gently.
Now I have to go - fieldwork calls. It's pretty cold and windy out there right now, but the sky is spectacularly blue; the sun is dazzling. Nothing but the crocus is blooming right now, but the whole landscape is on the verge; I can hardly wait for the golden greens of spring.
Until later, ta.


Anonymous said...

I wish you were here for a multitude of reasons, the least which being that we are in full-on spring right now: fruit trees a'blossom, magnolia trees a'bloom, daffodils galore, tulips any day now, bright green new leaves on bushes!

Rurality said...

If and when we can ever get a house built, I want to plant some crocus and snowdrops!

I wish I could send you some of our 80°+ weather. The gnats are horrible already.

Anonymous said...

Crocuses...oh. We don't get them here. Almost every else in Alberta but here. I love them though! And we also don't get that many daffodils, although I don't know why. Tulips, though.

We've still got a tonne of snow, but the creek is running at the farm, so spring is on its way. It's a while yet before there'll be any flowers.

My wish for you is that you can be somewhere where you can just be you. You rock!

LittlePea said...

Pretty flower! I hope spring comes quickl for you and brings you sunnier days.

LittlePea said...

quickly, I mean. Not quickl
