12 November 2007

Apropos of nothing...

...but man, do I love driving. It's raining now, and dark, and there are big trucks on the road. I love this kind of driving - fast and challenging and dark and with loud music. I will give you this caveat (which is unnecessary, given that anyone who reads knows I have no children) - I have no kids. And so I won't be lost to kids if I die with my driving lust. M. would be sad, but at least he would get my share of the house and whatever sort of money I might leave behind. I'm not trying to sound like an idiot, though I probably do... it's just that I really, really love driving. And I'm good at it. I once knew a guy who told me I was better than him at it, and that was something I was never supposed to share with the world. So long as I don't say his name, I think I can say what he said without terribly dire repercussions. I'm on my way home from class, stopped at work. The above occurred to me as I was driving next to a semi, in the darky rain, with music blasting (smashing pumpkins, some kind of beaty, screamy sort of anthem) (clearly I'm no music-o-phile). And I could have done it for hours. Like I said, apropos of nothing. Let's see. What else? I had lab tonight, and then I had to go and complete a CD thingie about fractures and traction. And then I practiced stuff. Yep. Anything else? Let's see. My hands are all dried out because I've been working with soil all day. They look cracked and raw, which is always sexy. Why someone would go into a mud bath on purpose, I have no idea. I guess that's it. More on the morrow, when I'll be panicking about the exam I have tomorrow night.


Mariposa said...

Wow, I'm single, but still I would be a bit scared...I wish I have that will...good luck on your coming exam!

Anonymous said...

I hate driving; if you commuted heavily in a city like Seattle for the past 17 years, you'd hate driving as well, I bet! I do, however, miss singing along to music in the car. That is something I don't dare do on the bus!

anne said...

I suppose I should qualify: I don't love city driving. I drove in eastern Massachusetts commuter traffic for...hmm...3 or 4 years? And yes, big with the suckage.