05 November 2007

More beauty, of sorts

Another image-heavy, content-light post. First, I want to direct anyone who comes here to read a wonderful tribute, written by Shannon for her lovely grandma Muriel. See here: http://westeringhills.weblogged.net/?p=329 Pictures now.... (click on them for better detail)
Maple in the hedgerow, orchard.
Again, but different maple. Blurry random shot of flowers and apples, orchard (0f course!)
Poplar leaf
Pokeweed plantling in the herbicide strip. (laughs)
Another maple in the hedgerow.
Evening sky in the "north forty"
Random asters, again in the herbicide strip.
Shelby, sneaked into a pile of outdoorsy photos. And yes, those are my dirty socks there on the floor. Niiiice. Still, though - cute kitty.
My other baby - my beloved Gator. I wish it was mine, anyway. Such fun!
You guessed it - more maples. They're just so pretty.
Cameos, still on the tree in November. And they don't taste half bad!
Apples on the ground next to a soil sampling site.
That's pretty much it for now. I'm tired, somewhat frustrated and probably very disgruntled and annoyed - and none of that makes for good reading. Endlessly thankful, though, that I get to work outside as much as I do. I love it.
On that note, I'm off to prep about fifty gazillion soil samples for pH testing... and then I go to clinicals. Tonight I am observing in the ER - I'm cautiously excited.
More later.


Mariposa said...

really love your photos...can i use some of them? i plan to make personalized cards for the coming holidays...these pictures would be lovely for that...

Mariposa said...
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Anonymous said...

I cannot stop saving your photos to my hard drive and using them as desktop wallpaper! So pretty!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos. I miss a real fall, with the colors and the crisp air. We don't have that here in CA.

That was a wonderful tribute that Shannon wrote. Her grandmother must have been a fabulous person.