27 November 2007


...wonderful website: http://www.blindhorsesings.com/blog/ This is the blog of the director (and angel) of the Catskill Animal Sanctuary, where I volunteered for two and a half years, before my knee crapped out on me. I have been remiss in not posting a link to it sooner. You can also visit the Sanctuary's website here: http://www.casanctuary.org/ This organization is dear to my heart. All I'm asking for for Christmas, in lieu of gifts, is that donations be made to it. It's worth so much more than any sweater or book or bauble. Over and out until later! Ta.


Anonymous said...

But I already got you a bauble-y sweater that fits onto a book for your Xmas gift!

anne said...

Of course you did! That's just what you do.